About Resources

Learn how resource provide extra information relating to a Question Series or relating to specific organisational purposes

Resources are provided to you in Question Series to give extra learning in the form of pre-question reading or post-question feedback or 'stretch activities'. Resources can be provided in many different forms such as:

  • a link to a website about a specific topic
  • they can be a PDF document showing a presentation or multi-page document
  • they can be a video or animation that explains a certain situation
  • or they can be an audio clip that describes a specific scenario. 

Resources are categorised to make them easy to find and are grouped in the Learner App in the following ways:

Learning Resources

Learning Resources are resources that give extra learning for a Question Series and provide information relating to a specific part of a question such as the question scenario, correct or incorrect feedback parts. Learning Resources used with a question scenario will show in the Resources Dashboard when the Question Series has been started, feedback based resources will only show when each specific attempt of the question has been viewed.

Organisational Resources

Organisational Resources are resources that provide information that relates to specific subject for an organisation. Subjects can be things such as; Company Policies, Safety Regulations or other types of general company information. They are available from the Resources Dashboard at any time and don't require an enrolment in a Question Series. You may get access to Organisational Resources based on your role or through a group membership.

Favourite Resources

Favourite Resources are any of the Learning Resources or Organisational Resources that you have selected as a favourite. These resources are listed in a separate area of the Resources Dashboard to make them easier to find later.