About the FMN Assistant

Learn about the FMN Assistant and what it can do for you

The FMN Assistant has replaced the Today Dashboard in the Learner App and is designed to guide and assist with common tasks.

Some of the things the FMN Assistant will do are:

  • Welcome you to the Learner App
  • Let you know about any new Series enrolments
  • Remind you when new questions are available to answer
  • Offer you to view resources prior to starting questions
  • Offer you invitations to Peer Learning
  • Offer you invitations to be a Peer Support
  • Remind you about outstanding activity invitations such as Series enrolments and Peer Learning
  • Many other things

✅ The FMN Assistant is easy to find in the mobile app, just tap Assistant in the app menu bar

✅ The FMN Assistant is available from the top of left hand menus in Learner Web