What does a Learning Pathway enrolment do?

It looks like you've been enrolled in a Learning Pathway and you are not sure what it is, let's explain.

If you have received an invitation email to start a Learning Pathway that is a good thing. Learning Pathways are a special kind of enrolment with multiple series that are grouped by modules. They allow you to work though Series and then get enrolled in the next Series automatically at your own pace.

How do they work?

▶️ You will be enrolled starting with the 1st series in the 1st module and once you have mastered this Series you will get the next series in the same module. All Series are presented to you for module 1 before you get to do the series in module 2 and so on.

✅ Learning Pathways can also allow concurrent series enrolments. This is where you will be enrolled in 2 or even 3 modules at the same time, this means you can work through the Learning Pathway much quicker.

✅ The Learning Pathway invitation outlines the organisation that has enrolled you, the learning pathway name and then shows a table with each module and each series within that module. The invite also shows the number of concurrent enrolments.

⚠️Once a Series has been Mastered, the next Series will be ready at 9am the next day