Why can't I submit my answers?

Have you made answer selections and the app won't let you submit your answer? Learn what is stopping you from submitting

Forget Me Not series can be offered with two different answer modes

  • Single best answer
  • Multiple best answer

These modes are indicated by the answer selection box style.

A round selector 🔘 indicates single best answer whereas a square selector 🔲 indicates multiple best answers.

For series with multiple best answers, some questions can also be configured with a minimum selection counter which greys-out the submit button until the minimum number of answers have been selected.

The example below shows when only 1 answer is selected the submit button is greyed out and the selection counter is showing 1 of 2. Then once a second answer is chosen, the selection counter is showing 2 or 2 and the submit button is enabled (blue colour).

⚠️The minimum selection counter does not check if the selection made is correct or incorrect, and only counts the number of answers selected.