Why hasn't my email arrived in my inbox?

There are a number of reasons why a Forget Me Not email may not arrive in your inbox.

Try these troubleshooting steps first before contacting support or your Company Manager for assistance.

  • Wait 10 mins, sometimes emails need some time to arrive through company security systems.
  • Check your spam / junk folder - sometimes new senders get marked as spam (if the email is in spam then make sure you mark as not spam and move to the inbox to ensure all links will function correctly)
  • Check that you haven't marked no-reply@mail.forgetmenot.chat emails as spam or set as a blocked sender in your email client. If you have done this our email won't get through
  • Check with your IT department that emails from no-reply@mail.forgetmenot.chat are not blocked or have been quarantined. Ask others in your organisation if they got an email from Forget Me Not
    • If they did then the issue might be isolated to your email
    • If they didn't and multiple people are reporting no emails, then it's most likely a IT configuration that's blocking all of our emails. Let them know so they can investigate
  • Check with your Company Manager that the email address used for enrolment has been entered correctly
  • If you entered your email in the password reset field:
    • check the address you’ve entered is correct and try again
    • check if you are using an alias email address (alias addresses are written a different way to your normal address e.g. johnc@acme.com instead of john.citizen@acme.com), if it is then request the link again with that alias
    • check that you are entering the email address that was used during enrolment. Was it your work email or your personal email address?

If you still don't receive an email after trying all the tips or you have forgotten which email you signed up with, contact support or your IT Department for further assistance